Today was a mild day that brought a little precipitation this evening. It was mostly sunny for most of the day, and the high was 61ºF. There was some light rain that started around 8 PM this evening, but only brought about 0.08 inches. Right now it is 50ºF with a dew point of 46ºF. The 29.91 inches, and the wind is coming from the northwest at 5 mph. A low of 41ºF and some light rain is in the forecast tonight. Tomorrow should mostly sunny with a high of 67ºF.
The surface map is very similar to the one from yesterday, but does show the movements of things from west to east. The precipitation at the edge of the large cold front has moved to the east, and is now coming up on the Atlantic coast. Four high pressure systems are moving towards the center of the country and should bring good weather to those areas for the rest of the week. Finally, another cold front can be seen in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. There is also a large stationary front in Arizona that stretches into Utah and Mexico that is separating a low and high pressure system.
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